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Support requests are answered by a very small team and take up to 3 days for a response! Before you submit a Support Request, please make sure that you have looked through our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Some very common questions!
Can't find the answers you need?
Submit a support ticket through Zendesk. Please note you might need to create a Zendesk account!
Submit Support Ticket
This helps us keep track of your issue and allows us to follow up when we require additional information. Note: Please ensure your requests provide as much detail as possible (ie. Date and Time of issue, browser, exact url etc) failure to provide sufficient details may result in unwanted delays in addressing your issue.
Empire.Kred on Twitter @EmpireKred
@EmpireKredBrowser Support at Empire.Kred
We follow the browser life-cycle proposed and followed by Google: Empire.Kred supports the most recent version and the previous version of the following browsers: Chrome, Safari, Firefox and Internet Explorer. For example: We will support Internet Explorer 11 and Internet Explorer 10, when Internet Explorer 12 is released, support for Internet Explorer 10 will be discontinued.
To ensure the best experience, we encourage usage of the most recent version of the four main browsers.