FAQ: Profile

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How do I earn Eaves (our virtual currency) on Empire.Kred?

Empire.Kred uses a virtual currency called "Eaves", signified by a blue "e" icon seen throughout the site. This virtual currency is throughout on Empire.Kred, as well as purchasing Upgrades and creating Missions. This currency has no real-world value.

  1. You can earn Eaves by being listed on the Stock Market and having people purchase your shares and by owning shares in others. See Stock Market FAQ
  2. You can earn Eaves by competing Missions that others have listed! See Missions FAQ
  3. You can buy Eaves in our Store!


What are the numbers under each of my Connections (like Facebook)?

These are your Network Scores. The numbers describe the degree of your Activity, Audience and Engagement on different social media channels.

"Activity" means how often you use that channel, posting statuses, tweets, comments, photos or whatever other content you might add.

"Audience" is the size of the network of individuals that receives your content.

"Engagement" considers the reaction of your audience to the content you post: the more they comment, re-tweet, 'like', favorite, or otherwise respond to your content, the greater the Interaction portion of your Network Score will be.

If you are listed on the Stock Market, your Network Scores contribute to your Share Price.


How are these Network Scores calculated?

Each social network and online activity is different. Here are specifics on how we look at each network at this time:

  • Empire.Kred: Your activity on Empire.Kred excluding the specific acts of buying, selling on the Stock Market; Activity on Communities, Missions and user engagement with you on any part of Empire.Kred
  • Twitter: Activity on Twitter, the audience of your tweets based on your followers and the quality of your followers (bots, for example, are low-quality followers), the reach and quality of your retweets and mentions.
  • Facebook & Facebook Pages: Activity on Facebook through posted updates and comments on your profile, the quality of your friends and their interaction with your postings and comments.
  • Flickr: Your activity through posting photos, the connections you make with other Flickr users, their interaction with you on Flickr through comments and favourites.
  • Youtube: Your activity through posting videos, the connections you make with other Youtube users, their interaction with you on Youtube through comments and favourites.
  • Instagram: Your photos posted to Instagram, the number of your followers, and their interactions with your photos through likes and comments.
  • Wordpress: Your blog posts, the number of visitors to your blog, and their interactions with you through comments.
  • Foursquare: Your Checkins at locations, your number of friends, and their interactions with you through comments and tips.
  • Google Plus: Your public posts, and the number of other users commenting and +1 ing your posts.
  • The network scores are out of 100, but as you get closer to 100, it will get that much harder!


Why do my Network Scores change dramatically in the first five days?

Our scoring algorithms take about five days to truly understand what's going on with each of your connections. As time goes on, your score should stabilize and be more constant.


I was inactive on a Network for a long time, and I've just started being active again. But after two days my Network Score is still stuck at 1. Why?

Network Scores are a 30-day simple moving average of a daily score (which is not shown). If a network was connected, but completely inactive, your daily score was probably zero for the previous 30 days. It will almost always take several days of activity to overcome all the zeros in your history, so it may take many days for your Network Score to climb above 1.

To learn about moving averages please read this article on Wikipedia. Network Scores are calculated on a simple moving average.


Can I see a history of my Network Scores?

You can see a recent history and more data about your Networks in the Evaluate section of your Profile.


How do I set my name, username, location, or profile picture?

You can edit your profile settings in the Settings area, specifically Editing your Profile

Please note that you cannot change your Username after your account is one week old.


How do I change email notifications from Empire.Kred?

You can set your email preferences here.


How do I change my Password?

If you are logged in, you can change your password here.

If you are not logged in click 'Forgot your Password?' on the login screen. A password reset link will be emailed to you.

If you do not receive the email, please double-check that you entered the correct email address and that you are not re-directing empireavenue.com emails to spam, some other folder, or applying some other filter like 'delete without reading'.


What is the difference between a 'Personal' and a 'Business' account?

A “Personal” account is one owned by an individual, and as per our Terms they should be under your real name. Any attached social media should match your name and persona. For example, Duleepa Wijayawardhana should have connections to Twitter and Facebook accounts under that name. One person = one account.

A “Business” account is an account for an entity, item, corporation, business, group or project represented by an individual, group, sole proprietor, and/or management company, and acting within the context of the “Business” activities. One business or legal entity = one account. This account will still be required to enter who is managing that account on Empire.Kred. However, we will only display the name of the entity. Attached social media should match the displayed entity. For example, Nokia should have connections to Nokia’s Twitter and Facebook.

The above is not to say that you cannot attach personal social media to Business and vice versa for Personal (this might happen if your business is secondary, or if you are the sole proprietor of the business). However, we may seek confirmation that you are the owner of both the business and the personal Network feeds.

At this time there is no difference between Business and Personal accounts in terms of scores, dividends, Mission creation, or any other Empire.Kred feature.


Why do Facebook Page connections sometimes get reset?

Even if you haven't connected a Facebook account, what happens to your Facebook account affects the token that Facebook gives us to access Facebook Pages. If your Facebook gets disconnected or you make a substantial change to your Facebook Account (like change passwords), assume immediately that your Facebook Page is also disconnected. Within a couple of days your Share Price will fall due to this. Go to your "My Networks" page and reconnect or disconnect and connect your Facebook Page. We send out an automatic e-mail after a day of being unable to contact Facebook through your token and then automatically disconnect and remove your data. We show that your Facebook Page is disconnected with a red exclamation mark where your Facebook Page Network Score is when you login to Empire Avenue.


How do I delete my Account?

To delete your account, go here.


How do I communicate with individuals on Empire.Kred?

We allow you to communicate in a number of different ways

  • Private Messaging: If the other account has enabled private messaging, you may send them a Private Message and they can send messages to you. Please go here to look at your privacy settings and who can send you messages. Typically we ask that at the minimum it be your “Followers” that can initiate messages with you. In the context of Empire.Kred your “Followers” can be your Shareholders. If you feel a member is being abusive, please report them, but also take the opportunity to “Block” the individual. Please read about Muting and Blocking here.
  • Shout Outs: These are messages that people can leave on your profile. The same rules which govern Private Messages govern shout outs. You can reply to Shout Outs as can others as long as they have permission to do so. As with Private Messaging, please read about Muting and Blocking here.
  • Communities: You may create or join Communities on Empire.Kred. Please follow the rules of each Community you join. Read the FAQ on Communities here.
  • Missions: You may create or participate in Missions created by other members on Empire.Kred. Read the Missions FAQ here.


What are Achievements?

We give out Achievements for various milestones on Empire.Kred. The Achievements are more a medal and do not typically have any value in Eaves or otherwise. There are a few exceptions to this rule:

  • After one year on Empire.Kred, if you are listed on the Empire.Kred Stock Market, your profile will be “Commission Free” for anyone investing in you for 24 hours. This period starts on the minute you joined Empire.Kred a year earlier and ending 24 hours later.
  • Achievements given through special events and/or advertising partnerships signed with Empire.Kred may carry awards. If you have notifications enabled for Achievements you will be notified when you receive such Achievements.


What is a “List” and what does being “Listed” mean?

Empire.Kred allows for you to have a few different “Lists” of accounts. These maybe groupings of your “Watch” list (max 2000), Friends and Family (max 500), Recommended Buys on the Stock Market (max 200), Favourite Content (max 500) and a Private List (max 500).

The members of your Private List are never shown to anyone else other than you.


Why does it say “Calculating” on my Dividend Earnings in my “Bank”?

If you are listed on the Stock Market, your Bank may show calculating on the line item for Dividend Earnings when Dividend Earnings are being calculated. Please see the Stock Market FAQ for more information!


Why is there a discrepancy between what Facebook (or any network will say) and what you show for activity on Empire.Kred?

As long as there is not an error (and we encourage you to report to support if you feel there is an error), we typically get different data through network connections compared to what you will see on the screen.

For example, with Facebook Friends counts, Facebook only reveals the count of friends that have enabled third parties to have access, which means that our count will always be less than what you see. This will be the same for any 3rd party network we connect to!
