FAQ: Missions
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What is a Mission?
What makes a great Mission?
Why can I not create Missions?
How many Missions can I have active at one time?
When do I receive the reward for completing the Mission?
What if someone clicks to claim the Mission but does not actually “complete” my task to my satisfaction?
My Mission is a few days old, and no one is completing it any more. Can I get my eaves back?
What kinds of Missions are prohibited?
If I promote a product or person, should I disclose that I have been rewarded to do so?
Where are my Missions shown?
What are “Highlighted” Missions?
Where can I promote my Mission?
What is the Mission Fee?
Does completing Missions help scores on Empire.Kred such as Network Scores, Share Price and Dividends?
Why should I give Feedback and how does Empire Avenue act on it?
Can I view the Feedback I have received/given?
Can I use Missions to transfer Eaves to others and charge them in real money or other currency to receive those Eaves or Vees?
What about Communities or groups (on Empire Avenue or outside Empire Avenue) created for the express purpose of “colluding” against or towards a specific feature on Empire Avenue such as giving positive feedback in attempts to artificially boost positive
Do I need to always give positive or negative Feedback?
Why can I not target my Community “Some Community”?